STARK naked

 STARK naked:
Guts, Body and Mind

“Stunning exhibition, enjoyable and thought provoking…”
Really good partnership of painting and photography”

Painting and Photography by

ACTelfer and Matt Gartside


at  Studio & Gallery 22B, Soughbridge Mill, BB18 6SZ

Exhibition on throughout July and August.

Gallery open Thursday-Sunday 2-6pm


Candlelight and Lightning

Both workshops featured dramatic lighting this week: at Photography Night, which was meant to be sunset themed, a fabulous storm raged, resulting a intermittent electricity cuts and a Hammer House of Horror atmosphere. The Life Drawers would have loved that lighting for their Prehistoric session, but made do with candles. They had exciting action poses to compensate though!

Life Drawing is back in a fortnight (29/9) and Photography Night on Tuesday (20/9) at which they will be ‘shooting from the hip’. Cameras at dawn then…